Kupuna and Family Meals customer Lynn discovered Touch A Heart through Kalihi Union Church when our Executive Director Robin shared about our organization in a prayer group, and she's been ordering meals for the past two years.
Throughout the pandemic, Lynn was recovering from cancer treatment. Although she was a paying customer, two friends decided to shower her and her husband with blessings by donating meals to them for over six months. "It helped so we could use that money for medical expenses," Lynn said.
While she's still dealing with medical needs, Lynn and her husband are now paying it forward. "The Lord put it in my heart to give back to someone in need," she explained. "Lo and behold, God opened the door to a new friend, who is a kupuna like us. In these struggling times, having the weekly meals has been a God-send. We have been donating meals for about four months now. Our relationship has grown where we also pray for one another."
We were so touched by this example of how many of you have come together as a community to help one another, especially during these difficult times. It's also a great reminder of how our Kupuna and Family Meals can benefit people in a variety of situations or circumstances, including those who are recovering from illness or injury.
You continue to inspire all of us at Touch A Heart with your generous and giving hearts. It never ceases to amaze us at what we can accomplish together and how impactful the ripple effect can be. A small act of kindness can make someone's day or change someone's life. Let's continue to work together to bring happiness and joy to others.
From Blessed to Blessing