As we reflect on 2022, we wish to share with you the following milestones and memories that were made possible by your support.
Internship and Apprenticeship Programs
This year, we focused on our apprentice program—with the nationwide worker shortage, we were intentional about retaining our graduates. We also continue to support our team members who are prison. This year, 6 interns were employed with 5 becoming apprentices. We also had 3 of our graduates return from prison and resume their apprenticeship. We have had a total of 15 apprentices employed with us. Some of them have moved onto other jobs and employers but the majority of our graduates are part of our team here.
Our partnership with the Ritz-Carlton Residences, Waikiki Beach moved to a new level with their leadership volunteering to support us in training and assisting with interview and resume preparation as well as customer experience training and operations. Many of you experienced this first-hand during a meal pick-up when their volunteers helped us deliver appeal letter invitations to you.
Touch A Heart Catering
Craig Terada came to our rescue and donated his time and recipes to train our staff in his style of cooking. Nearly all our current meals were developed by him and taught to our team members.
A new partnership was developed between Touch A Heart, Aloha Harvest, and the Hawaii Public Health Institute using a grant to pilot a program under Meals With Aloha. These weekly meal sets, developed by our team and a dietitian, are donated to 50 Kupuna with wraparound services offered.
Baker's Heart
New partnerships were developed with Dean & DeLuca and UNIQLO. Thanks to host CPB, we debuted at the Made in Hawaii Festival. We also had a record-number of pop-ups this year, with 6 at Nordstrom Ala Moana, 2 at CPB Tidepools, and 1 at Hawaiian Airlines.
Impact Video
Please also take a moment to watch our new impact video on our website at
In 2023, we look forward to continuing our focus on our apprentices and the community as well as deepening our current partnerships and making new connections.
We wish you and yours a very safe, happy, and healthy new year!
A Year of Impact and Partnerships