—Melissa, Apprentice
"Another year of moving forward, getting a place with a special someone. Settling down and being content in life."
—Alisa, Apprentice
"To change the way of my ego. To be more respectful to my girlfriend."
—Abel, Apprentice
"Start the new year fresh, pushing myself out of my comfort zone, being more confident, and building my relationships."
—Leonard, Apprentice
"My view on obstacles and negatives and looking for positives and learning opportunities. See blessings from the beginning instead of from the end connecting dots backward after going through unnecessary negatives."
—Lacey, Apprentice
"My anxiety/stress. Finding ways to not let things get to me and rely more on God and trust that He is leading me through life."
—Tina, Program Coordinator
"February 6, 2023 I make one year of no alcohol. I'm looking forward to changing where I live. Amen."
—Jeff, Apprentice
"Growing my relationship with my mom and learning from her decades of experiences."
—Soleil, Program Director
"I'm looking forward to making new friends or taking up a new hobby or using my skills in a new way."
—Mae, Community Relations